
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Upcycled Newspaper Flowers

Lately, I just adore flowers.. yup.. I have been making them in all kinds of ways, paper, fabric and today I made some out of newspaper mache! 
Here they are!
Now I am sure that you are sooo tired of seeing all of my various roses.. but if you WANT to make some..  Here's how!
Take some old newspaper.. I think I used about 6 sheets.  Rip it up into small pieces and put in a big pot..
then pour boiling water over it to cover.  Let it sit and stir every so often to break the pieces apart for about an hour.
Then drain it and make sure to squeeze it really well to get as much excess water out of it as you can.
  Then throw it into a bowl and add about 1 cup Elmer's glue and 1/2 cup of flour and mix with your hands.
Then mold it into the shapes you want.
  I made flowers and leaves!
I then put mine on foil in the oven after it had cooked bacon was off and let them dry.
Once dry I painted them to look like real roses.
  And to think an hour ago this newspaper was destined for the recycling bin.. oh the horror!
My kids got in on the action too!
They thought it was fun.. but kinda yucky cause it's super sticky!
Now I have another project for these roses.. so come on back tomorrow and link up with our
and then come back Friday to see what I created with them!
I'll give you a hint.. it's for my favorite little girl!
I am sharing with



  1. I love the flowers. What a great idea. x

  2. What a fun project! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!
