
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Allison Pearce Knockoff .. with a Twist!

I Love, LOve, LOVE this painting from Allison Pearce..
Pinned Image
 and at $12 from it's a steal.. but I have a few problems with it..
1.  It doesn't match my daughter's room.
2.  I LOVE to create things!
3.  It's a print and I love REAL paintings.
So this is MY version of the painting that I created for my daughter's BIG girl room!
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To make this I started with a scrap piece of wood
which I Mod Podged with Book pages.
While the glue dried I cut a pattern and created this dress from two fabrics, ribbon for the belt and tulle for the skirt and top.
Then I painted my wood canvas with strips of paint in two shades of pink and white
which I then dragged down the board with a piece of cardboard
to create the desired effect.
Once dry I painted the bottom half green  and blotted with a paper towel while wet so that the pink still showed through.  Then before the  paint dried I added the lighter green scrapbook "tiles" which I created on my Cricut and then Mod Podged over to seal them.
Next I cut out the shape for the dress form
and the table
 out of cardboard and painted them black.
Then I took black thread and made a thicker piece by cutting lots of pieces and tying them together to form the dress stand.
Then I Mod Podged both the table and the dress form onto my canvas.
Then I stamped a lamp onto the table.. sorry couldn't find a chandelier or a candelabra stamp so this was the next best thing!
Then I tapped the dress into place over the canvas which was still wet with Mod Podge.
So now, I have a sweet dress form painting that is a knockoff with my own twist of adding texture, dimension and the colors I needed! 
My little lady just LOVES it and it matches her room perfectly!
And here's a few close ups.. of the dress
and the table.
I am sharing with

Dragonfly Designs
the gilded hare




  1. This is REALLY cute and I love the textures and your creativity!

  2. great, i love it! i'm on it right away ;)

  3. That looks terrific! Nice job and I love that you were able to customize something to match your daughter's room. Found you from Whimsy Wednesday.

  4. Are you kidding me? First Batman and now this masterpiece. I am in awe. I ADORE that it is 3 dimensional. Brilliant...really brilliant. I am marveling at your skills. Your daughter is so lucky to have a one of a kind piece of art. You, my dear, have REAL talent.

  5. This turned out fabulous! Truly! You are so talented with painting and collages. Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. Seriously this is the cutest thing ever!! I like yours even more than your inspiration piece. Thanks for sharing at DIYbyDesign.

  7. This is so cute! I may have to do something like this myself! <3

  8. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness. I just featured this:
