
Sunday, July 22, 2012

My New Bag.. A Craft Disaster of Sorts!

HUGE Disclaimer
I am attempting to teach MYSELF to sew.. so I am dragging all of YOU, my lucky followers along for the ride.  I am NOT using patterns, but creating them.. so please feel free to follow my tutorials and learn along with me.. but be very aware that I am not a professional nor do I claim to know what I am doing here!
p.s. I don't guarantee that all will be successful and here is my first example!
So having said all of that here is my new bag!

Pin It
I Love it! 
 The fabrics of Pink and Greys are my favorite.. however, it is totally made improperly! 
Oh the shame!
Here's why!
Can you spot the mistake..? 
My pretty fabric is on the outside and the inside as is my grey fabric.. but hey.. I am still learning..
and all in all it came out pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.
And of course I can still use it right? 
'Cause.. really no one would know that I messed it up.. unless I told them.. right?!?
And it IS really cute!
OH Well, nobody's perfect! 
I'll have to just keep trying!
p.s.  Did you notice my fabric flower obsession?
P.s.  I had a whole fabulous tuturial planned for this one.. but um.. yeah.. then I thought well if I couldn't make it right.. I probably shouldn't share!
I am sharing with these fabulous link parties!
toastie studio



  1. Love the bag...You did a wonderful job. Keep up the good work, and I think the colors are wonderful. If you hadn't told us the colors were reversed we would have never know. :)

  2. It's so pretty! I pretty much love pink with almost anything. I'm new to sewing too so I can completely relate. You did a fabulous job! I didn't notice the mistake until I read what you wrote. Perfection is highly overrated. It's much more fun to be adventurously imperfect. Way to go! Tuula :)

  3. I think both fabrics are pretty, so you good either way! Pink and grey is a great color combination. Sometimes when we sew, we "see" the errors are sticking out like a sore thumb, but if you ever really looked at store made, they are many mistakes also. Be happy with yourself, you did a good job! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday's Best - you help to make it a great par.tay!

  4. I love your bag - I love doing things the same way making you have a unique bag!

  5. I really like how it turned out. I love the flowers on the side and how long the straps are.
    I'm coming over form a blog hop and am excited to be a new follower! Feel free to follow me back

  6. this is so pretty and I love how it turned out. I really didn't notice the fabric being inside out until you pointed it out. way to go, girl! I would be totally pinning this. thanks for sharing!

