
Monday, July 9, 2012

Pink Hippo Party #86

Happy Monday Pink Hippos!  Welcome to yet another exciting edition of the Pink Hippo Party!  This week for us has been CRAZY!  Trips to the lake with ALL of the grandparents (not together) rotating sleepovers for the kids, hiking in the environmental center and of course our first Book Club meeting for the summer! (And all of this with the hubs working super later overtime.. like til midnight every night.. ughh!) 
Here's my favorite photo for this week!

Now onto our FEATURES
Sorry for not commenting this week.. but like I said .. it was CRAZY.. I promise to be a BETTER blogger this week!
First up is Kerri @ created this adorable "Oh Happy Day" banner!
Makes me Happy just looking at it!
Next is Kayla @  created this super Fun EAT sign for her kitchen!
Makes me hungry just looking at it!
Then we have Judy @  who created this beautifully patriotic 4th of July front porch!
I just adore her burlap pillow.. and guess what?  There's a tutorial!  Yay!
And last but certainly not Least is Ashley @  who created this Sweet Pink Lemonade party for her daughter!
Cherished Bliss Pink Lemonade Party
Go check out the Pink Lemonade Crown she made too!
Want to be featured next?  You know what to do.. link up, be a follower, grab a button and share some LOVE!
Pink Hippo Party
P.S.  I am 2 followers away from 700.. anyone want to join in the fun?



  1. Yippee!!! Thanks for featuring my oh happy day banner - today is definitely a happy day :)

  2. Thank you for hosting! I hope you and your hubby get some rest this week! -Marci

  3. Thanks for hosting!

    Sounds like ya'll had an exciting week!

  4. Thanks for hosting! Have a great week Amie!

  5. Thanks for the feature and for hosting! : )

  6. Newest follower! thanks for hosting:)

  7. Thanks very much for hosting! There are so many great project here! A lot of inspiration! :) Tuula @
