
Friday, August 31, 2012

Blog Angel.. The BIG Reveal!

For those of you who have been waiting with baded breath.. the wait is FINALLY over... and the secret will be revealed..  because I am a BLOG ANGEL to .......
Now I have been a SUPER lucky girl to have gotten Bethany to be a Blog ANGEL for because in my book Bethany is a crafty Rockstar and of course our blogs are pretty similar being that we BOTH have craft blogs!
Bethany makes some really awesome crafty stuff.. so here are some of my favorites from this month!
I love a great upcycle so of course I just adored this amazing Lamp Makeover
Bethany also makes gorgeous jewelry and this was one of my favorite pieces that she created! 
In the past month, I had lots of fun being a sneaky ANGEL .. she had asked for more comments on her blog posts, so of course I just HAD to stop by and comment often, sometimes as myself and still other times as Anonymous!  I shared some of my favorite posts of hers on my Facebook page for my followers to enjoy and she was even a GUEST blogger for my vacation (which I am still on).. which you can check out HERE
And of course, since I knew that she was a crafty blogger.. I was soo happy to send her a little crafty care package from my craft room to HERS!
OH and guess what else?  I have a blog angel too!  Crazy right, cause silly me.. I never put two and two together and guessed that someone was helping ME too until the halfway post.. but she has yet to be revealed to me.. but you guys will be the next to know!
Hope you guys join in on all of the blog angel fun when the next signup comes to town in OCTOBER because seriously it's really GREAT!


  1. What a sweet idea. I've never heard of this before xxx

  2. I know Bethany! How wonderful. You took your role very seriously. a great way to give back and support each other! now get back to enjoying your vacation!

  3. You were an AWESOME blog angel, Amie! I was so excited when I got the goodies you sent me! And you were very sneaky with the whole guest post. ;) Thanks for your kind words about my blog and your encouragement!

  4. I love that you two pinkies got to meet each other this time. You are a bit of match made in crafty heaven. I can't wait to see what your next assignment will be. Thank you for taking part and being awesome.

    Rosie x
