
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pitter and Glink Guest Post

Hey, y'all!  I'm Bethany.
I am a wife, mom to a furry "dog-ter," English teacher, singer, book lover, want-to-be decorator, avid crafter, and blogger.  I blog over at Pitter and Glink.
Today, I'm going to share with y'all how to make a very simple bracelet.
First, you need a few supplies.  (And when I say few, I mean it!)  You need suede cord, a silver ring, and a cord clasp.  As far as tools go, you need scissors, a measuring tape, and pliers. 
 To decide what size to cut your cord, measure around your wrist with the measuring tape.  Whatever your measurement is, cut two pieces of cord that length.  For example, my wrist measures six inches, so I cut two six inch pieces of cord.  Then you need to loop your cord around your ring.
Fold one piece of cord in half to make a loop.  Place the loop behind your ring.
Thread the end of your cord over the ring and through the cord loop and pull tight.  Repeat on the other side.
At this point, if your cord is uneven, you need to cut it to make it even.  Then it's time to put on the clasp.
Making sure that your cord is not twisted, take the ends of one of the pieces of cord and overlap them.  Place them in the end of the cord clasp.  Use your pliers to tighten the metal around the cord.
 Repeat this on the other side of your bracelet, and you will have a completed bracelet.
Notice that my cord clasp came with chain attached from one side to the other.  This makes the bracelet adjustable.  If your cord clasp does not have chain attached, you will need to cut your cord longer before you put your bracelet together.
You can use different color cord or rings with different metal finishes to create different bracelets.
The bracelet can be worn with a casual outfit or a dressy one, and you can always layer it with different bracelets.  Layering bracelets seem to be "in" right now.
Of course, you don't have to keep the bracelet for yourself.  You can create one as an inexpensive gift for a friend.  I want to thank Amie for having me today, and I want to thank y'all for taking the time to read this post.  If you have another minute, I'd love for you to check out my blog.
Thanks and happy crafting!


  1. What a beautiful bracelet. Looks easy to make too. I wonder, if Amie tries to make one, if she'll add a fabric flower to it :)

  2. Thanks so much for having me today, Amie! :) And thanks, Amy!
