
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Under 300 Followers Blog Hop #15

It's Thursday and you KNOW what that means.. yup we are one day closer to Friday.. Just kidding.. it means it's time to link up and make some new bloggy friends with
Remember to follow your hosts.. 
Me, Amie @ Pinkapotamus
Lelanie @ To Sew With Love   
And now let's introduce you to this week's CoHOST Michelle at The Gilded Hare

Hello everyone!
I'm Michelle and I blog over at the Gilded Hare!  I live in Honolulu with my boyfriend and 2 rabbits and I find all three very entertaining:)  I have a full time office job but creating and and sharing my ideas on my blog is my real passion.  I want to inspire others to create as well so I never charge for any of my tutorials or patterns!

Why do I like making things so much?  Partly because it keeps me from getting bored, partly because I like working with my hands, partly because I'm really picky about things so I like to be able to make thing exactly how I want it, and partly because I like being able to say 'Yeah I made that' lol!  Don't worry, my boyfriend occasionally reminds me of my shoddy craftsmanship to keep my head from exploding!!

I started sewing back in high school (almost a decade for me now!!) and I have yet to tire of it.  I always get a little giddy inside when I walk in to a fabric store and I have to admit that I'm a bit of a fabric hoarder.

I also enjoy creating jewelry, even though I rarely ever wear them...

 And who can resist a few hair accessories...

Well that concludes my brief tour of the Gilded Hare.  Thank you Amie for inviting me and giving me such a wonderful opportunity and thank all of you for reading!!  Hope to see you soon over at the Gilded Hare!
So now.. let's get this party started!
Follow your hosts and cohosts, link up, grab a button and hop on over to visit other bloggers!

Pinkapotamus and Friends! 


  1. Hi, Amie! Thank you for hosting the Hippo Hop! -Marci

  2. Thanks very much for hosting Amie! Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Amie, Thanks for having the blog hop and thank you for the sweet comment on my blog :)
