
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Under 300 Followers Blog Hop #14

Thank goodness it's Thursday.. Cause you know what that means?  We're one day closer to the weekend AND we can meet some new bloggy friends at 
with your hosts Me, Amie @ Pinkapotamus  , 
Lelanie @ To Sew With Love and 
Today, since I have NO featured blogger to introduce to you.. I have some happy bloggers who stop by each week to highlight for you!  
First up is Karen
Quintonwench who has a Fantastic Craft Blog where she makes super fun stuff like these awesome crocheted tea light holders!
Next up is Erin @ Crafty Biggers
who also has a Craftastic Blog where she shares delicious recipes and fabulous fashion for her girls!
Last but not least is Tammy
My Photo
who has a wonderful blog where she shares her gorgeous handmade bags and jewelry!  Wish I had her sewing skills!
Want to be featured next?  Email me at amieirwin (at) yahoo (dot) com
Now let's get this party started!  Follow your hosts, visit the featured bloggers, link up, grab a button and find some new bloggy friends!  
And if you want grab the Blog HOP code and share on your blog too.. the more the merrier!
Oh and don't forget to join in my Giveaway for a chance to win up to 10 prizes including free advertising on Lelanie's Blog!

Pinkapotamus and Friends


  1. thank you so much for asking me along. I am just starting to understand how this cyber community works and your link party is a great idea. My goals are to feature more posts with more tutorials more regularly and eventually get more involved in sales of the items my students and myslef create.
    I appreciate the request!!!

  2. Thanks! It was super sweet of you to think of me. :)

  3. Thanks for the hop, I'm a new follower :)
