
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Under 300 Followers Lucky #13

Happy Thursday Pink hippos!  I will keep this short and Sweet as I am headed down to the Jersey shore with the kids and hubby for the day!   Whoo hoo!
It's Time for the
With your Hosts Amie (that's ME), Amanda
and Lelanie

And here is this week's Featured Blogger!
Hi, I'm Jeannie from Living Loving Crafting.  I stay home with my three year old twin boys and craft as much as possible for my sanity.  I love being a mom and a wife, but I craft to stay me.  I love to do all sorts of things: paint furniture, make jewelry, sew, crochet and just any other crafty thing I can find to do.  I sum it up like this: I like to make new things and make things new.  My favorite types of shopping are peddlers malls, yard sales and fabric stores!  It has even turned into a little "business".  Each fall my college roommate and I put our crafty heads together and come up with items to sell at the local craft fairs.
I started this blog as a digital scrapbook of the projects I'm most proud of.  After becoming addicted to Pinterest, it has also chronicled all the cool things I've made from ideas I've pinned.  Here are some of my overall favorites!
 This is what I call "The desk that rocks my world!"  Of all the things I've done, this is my most favorite!!
I love watching the face of someone that I give a handmade gift to.  This wreath was for my cousin and it looks awesome hanging on her front door!

Jewelry making is my favorite of my craft obsessions.  These are the two pieces I'm loving most right now!

I've made a few elastic waistband skirts, but this high waist zipper skirt was much more detailed and I'm super happy with how it turned out.

So you can see, I dabble in a little bit of everything and love it!  Stop on over to see some other goodies or to get these tutorials.  I want to give a big THANK YOU to Amie for the feature! 
Now let's get this party Started!

GRAB a button, FOLLOW your hosts and Featured guest, Link up your HOME page, HOP around and make some new friends!

Pinkapotamus and Friends


  1. Hi AmieAnn!
    Thank you for your commnt on my blog :)
    I made this purse for myself haha :))))
    I have everybodys' attention wherever this purse goes along!
    Tnaks for hosting, have a nice day!

  2. Linking up for the first time - thanks for hosting :)


  3. Thank you for hosting! Linking up for the first time too, and have just started following your blog! Yay!

    Hope you can come to visit some time =)
