
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Wheelie Love PinWHEELS!

Yup.. but hey, what's NOT to love.. they are super cute and  sooo whimsically fun!
Pin It
I am doing a craft show this weekend and made a whole bunch of these super fun little pinwheel hair accessories.
Want to see them.. of course you do!
Now if you want to make one you're in luck 'cause I have my tutorial handy just for you!
2 kinds of coordinating fabric
Heat and Bond sheets
Clips, headband, etc.

Start by ironing your heat and bond
 sandwiched between your two sheets of fabric.
  I used Madras fabric since it was already cut into little squares just perfect for pinwheels.  Otherwise cut your fabric into cute little squares.  Adjust the size to your project.
Then cut 4 slits on the diagonal towards the center of your square.
Next hot glue a little dab and fold in one corner.  
Repeat all the way around so that the folds all face the same direction.
Next hot glue a rhinestone in the center covering the folds.
  Everything is better with a little bling!
Last hot glue your pinwheel to your hair clip or band and then use a little piece of your leftover fabric 
to cover the top to make sure it is properly secured.
   We don't your pinwheel falling off.. that would be wheelie  awful!

Don't forget to find a cute little model to share it with.. in my case.. I used my girl
 and  myself!
Wish me luck on my craft show!
p.s.  I have another pinwheel project in the works that has something to do with this Craft Disaster!
I am sharing with



  1. usual. I was really hoping the glue gun would not be involved :)

    I hope you sell out and sell out quickly. Thanks for sharing your secrets with us.

  2. So cute - I'm sure some of my friends must have daughters I can make one for... I only seem to have boys in my family!

  3. Since I make headbands..I adore these! What a great idea, so cute. And good luck at your craft show this weekend mama!

  4. newest follower from the hop! :) can't wait to hear from you!

    xoxo - kylie

  5. These are adorable! What a great idea!
