
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Under 300 Followers Blog Hop #17

Happy Thursday Pink Hippos!  Today is a BIG day here in Pink Hippo Land since all my mini hippos are heading off to school!  Pics to follow of course!  As always,
is sponsored by Me, Amie @ Pinkapotamus
Lelanie @ To Sew With Love
And here is today's Featured Guest and Cohost!

My name is Jess and I blog over at Cox's Corner
My blog touches on a little bit of everything. I post a ton of tutorials like my:
 and my Tutu Tutorial with a twist.
I also like to share printables, pinterest picks and even funny weight loss stories
Since I am moving over to wordpress, I will be losing all of my Google Friend Connect followers so I am currently hosting a huge giveaway to help encourage everybody to follow me over there! You are more then welcome to come on over and enter!

Jessica Joy
Now let's get this party started! Follow your hosts and Cohost, link up your blog's main page, grab a button and meet some fun new bloggy friends!

Pinkapotamus and Friends!


  1. Thanks for hosting. We are another day closer to the weekend!

  2. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!!

  3. Would love to co-host this blog hop sometime!! :)

  4. Thanks for hosting, Amie :) I hope you're having a fab week :)
