
Sunday, October 28, 2012

October Overhauling - Crayon Roll Apron

Hey Pink Hippos.. have we ever talked about my VERY limited sewing skills or my lack of ability to put things together?
  Well, if not.. um .. yeah .. these are some issues that I have and the reason that there are some serious lack of posts that showcase my sewing machine.
BUT today I present to you my faithful followers and favorite cheerleaders my first Personalized Crayon Roll Apron from my fabric stash!
My little guy loves it..
 he just has a hard time standing still long enough for Mommy to take pictures.. 
See I had to chase him out to the garage so he could proudly show his Daddy!
Hope he doesn't think that his Daddy is going to let him color the Harley.. oh the horror!
Isn't he sooo stinking adorable?
While I normally love to share tutorials.. I wasn't even sure I could MAKE this one happen so I didn't take any pictures as I made it.. oops!

I used a tea towel to measure the length of material I needed, cut out the arm holes, then I created all of the pieces myself.
Happy Sewing!
I am sharing with
Absolute mommy
Positively Splendid



  1. Oh, so adorable! And I like the "manly" colors =) Now you can even make one for daddy to put his Harley tools in ;-)

  2. This is so adorable! I might have to add this to my handmade Christmas gift list for my little niece! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Do you seriously think you have limited sewing skills?? You are crazy! This apron is adorable and if my kids didn't just snap their crayons or draw on walls I would attempt to make them!

    1. haha....I'm laughing so hard at the previous post because Amanda just described my house exactly! My 4 year old's walls look like an abandoned trained....graffiti everywhere.

      I also wanted to say how very much I LOVE this latest creation. Your sewing skills are top notch compared to mine, and this really looks professionally done. You always come up with the most unique ideas, so I'm always excited to see what you'll do next. Congrats on another winner!

  4. GREAT JOB. I don't think you can qualify yourself as having limited sewing skills any longer. Maybe you should make another so you can share the tutorial with all of us :)...see, without your glue gun, you are realizing your full crafting potential.

  5. Love it - that is a great idea!

  6. You did great!! Love it! Thanks for linking up to my Sunday FUNday party!! XOOXXO

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog
