
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October Overhauling - Photo Jewelry

School Pictures came home yesterday!  And they are Gorgeous..
no seriously.. they are the BEST pictures of the kids EVER from school.  
Usually the kids make a funny face or forget how to smile naturally when the camera comes out but these are Perfect!

So I thought it would be fun to make something with them.  Now usually I make them into silly things like 
Love Bugs, 
or Valentines.. 
but this time I thought it would be sweet to make a photo bracelet.  And YES it was ALL from my stash.. *sigh*.. I really could own my own craft store.

So I started with this bracelet blank.
 Then I cut off the itsy bitsy picture that is used for identification on the picture envelope (BONUS!)
 and Mod Podged them.
Then I added the Mini Hippo's lovely pictures and a little chipboard piece that has a flower and says beauty cause um.. well, there are 4 spaces and 3 kids and I just can't justify a 4th to fill the space!
Last I added a top coat of Mod Podge Dimensional Magic
 and walked away for 3 HOURS.. 
Pin It
And of course, my bracelet couldn't have had the clasp so I added some pink ribbon to tie it.  
Now I can show off 
my kids
 as arm candy!
Aren't photos fun?


  1. I'd really love to try that dimensional magic stuff - I have to find out if there is anything like it here in Germany. That would be a cute presents for the grandparents, too!

  2. Maybe you need to work on a 4th child to fill that last space :)

    The bracelet is perfect. The pictures are great. The mini hippos are ADORABLE.
