
Sunday, November 11, 2012

All Work and NO PLAY...

makes this a DULL Blog!   
Sorry guys, 
I have been working on orders, hanging out with my kids who missed 7 days of school after Hurricane Sandy 
making my playroom into a CRAFT room!  
I also gave my hubby back his dining room... here are some before pictures:
This was my cabinet that was filled with my crafting stuff that I had reorganized.. but was spilling out all over the dining room.
The cabinet was trashed and my dining room now it looks like this!
Notice no crafting stuff anywhere!
It was soo much work.. but I sooo soooo happy!
Happy Crafting!
Can't wait to see what you've been up to tomorrow at the Pink Hippo Party!
I am sharing with
House on the Way


  1. great job!!! seems like a big project but oh so worth it in the end!

  2. I love the color of your dining room! So pretty! Congratulations on a job well done. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. This makes me want to convert one of the guest bedrooms into an area just for me! I currently use the breakfast table for blogging and crafting. Nicely done buddy!

  4. wonderful job! I'm also wokring on my craft room. I have way too much stuff...

  5. How wonderful!!! You have a craft room. And you have your dining room back. It looks get to crafting.
