
Monday, November 19, 2012

Pink Hippo Party #105

Happy Monday Pink Hippos.. phew last week was one CRAZY busy week!  I have been babysitting on of my besties 4 month old lovey, had a craft show Thursday night (might get my picture in the paper!), a Girl Scout meeting  on Friday,
 2 soccer parties
 on Saturday and a wine making dinner date with the hubs (bonus!) and yesterday was the 
Mom's vs Boys Flag Football Game..
 and here we are back at Monday on the week of Thanksgiving.. I think I need a day off!
Now on to this week's fabulous Features!
First up is Jeannine at The Concrete Cottage  who made this
gorgeous Pillow from napkins.
Next up is Amy at While Wearing Heels who created this
Fabulous Pottery Barn Advent Calendar Knockoff (you know I'm a sucker for PB knockoffs!)
And Last is Amy at One Artsy Mama   who made these
super cute Turkey Thanksgiving Favors with her little crafter.
Now it's your turn to be featured.. link up.. grab a button.. be a follower.. and share some love!

Pink Hippo Party



  1. Girl Scout meeting?! I was a Girl Scout leader for several years. We had so much fun! 'Love that featured pillow! Great idea, using napkins! Happy Thanksgiving! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Hi AmieAnn, thanks for the sweet party!
    Have a wonderful week!

    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  3. Thank you so much for another great party! Have a wonderful week and a Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

  4. Hi AmieAnn!
    Thank you for hosting this great party! I am posting my favorite mermelade - homemade grape mermelade, no sugar added!
    Hope you'll like it ;)

  5. Hello. Thanks for letting me link up. Hope you will check out my blog.

  6. You have definitely been busy, but it sounds like a good busy and lots of great memories in the making! Thanks for hosting!

  7. I'm so tickled you featured my little pillow. Thanks huge bunches!!!
    Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving!!

    Jeannine @ The Concrete Cottage

  8. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks so much for hosting!

