
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A + S Happily Ever After V-day Sign

A + S Happily Ever After!
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Yup, that's me and the hubs because obviously Pinkapotamus is NOT my real name.. nope me and the hubs are Amie and Sean.  And in my hubby I have found my home and my happily ever after.
So here is my silly sign 
and a tutorial on how you can make one too!
Frame (I used Ikea mirror and popped out the mirror)
Wood People shapes (could make paper ones too!)
Acrylic Paint
Wood Heart
Scrapbook paper
Mod Podge
Wood Letters and small Heart
Glue (craft or hot pick your poison!)
Martha Stewart Craft punches
Start by painting your frame the color of your choice.
I chose Pink, hot Pink.
Paint your little people.
Paint your letters and mini heart.
Paint your medium sized heart brown so it looks like a piece of a tree.
Once all your painty pieces are dry started "dressing" your mini people.  I decided to dress mine in V-day casual..

 you know a cute dress for me and jeans and a t-shirt for him... (sorry I'm kind of a sucker for jeans and a t-shirt!)
Next I Mod Podged the wood paper to the medium wood heart.  
Then I glued the A heart S onto the medium heart and Mod Podged 08 on it too.

Then it was time to Mod Podge the doily onto the frame
and glue the wood heart to the doily.
Then I hot glued my Peeps onto the frame.
Next I Mod Podged a Happily Ever After sign to the top.
Last I added a V-day heart ribbon to the back and hung it up.
Think the hubs will notice my silliness when he gets home?
p.s.  I found the tree plaque on Plaid by 
Amy Anderson from Mod Podge Rocks
I shared it on my Pinterest Love Day Board
I am sharing with

Blissful and Domestic
Lil’ Mrs. Tori


  1. Those little jeans on Sean are ADORABLE. What a clever craft.

  2. Cute! I am co-hosting a link party today called Tell Me Tuesdays! Come check it out and link up!!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  3. I love this! It's sooooooo cute! I'm pinning it!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party
