
Monday, January 7, 2013

Pink Hippo Party #110

Happy Monday Pink Hippos!  
Hope you had a great weekend.. I spent mine SUPER cleaning and working on orders!
Here are this week's Features!
First up is Jen at Through My Creative Mind who created this
gorgeous chore chart.. I think I need one too!
Next up is Kathe at Kathe with an E  who created this
 fun and festive New Year's Table.. wish I could party there!
Then we have Pam at Threading My Way  who created this
 adorable art caddy.. I know some mini hippos who would love these!
And last but not least is Ilda at I Love Doing All Things Crafty who created this
 A-mazing artwork for her office.. can you come to my house and organize my stuff.. please?
Now it's your turn to be featured!  Link up, grab a button, be a follower, share some love!

Pink Hippo Party



  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Art Caddy, Amie!!!

  2. Good morning! 'Love that art caddy! Thank you for hosting this fun party! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. I'm so honored to have my NYE table featured amongst all this creative ladies! Thanks Amie! Have N awesome week :-)

  4. Hi Amie!
    Thank you for hosting, I enjoy comming over!
    I am linking some DIY Christmas presents I made for my family and friends, hope you'll like them!
    Have a great new year 2013!

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my peg board Amie! I am a bit of an organized freak! Have a great week :)

  6. thanks for hosting! your fabric storage looks so awesome! way to go getting started on organizing for the new year

  7. Hi Amie!
    This is my first time visiting and linking up! I'll put your blog button on my site.
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  8. Thanks for hosting the fun party,AmieAnn!!!
    Have a great Year!

    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  9. I finally made it to the party. Thanks for hosting, AmieAnn!!

  10. Thanks AmieAnn for featuring my Cookie Sheet Chore Chart! This is one of the most useful crafts I've ever done! Awesome website! Please come share your projects on my site too!
    Thanks again!
    Jen @ Through My Creative Mind
