
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine Ruffle Apron & a Girl Scout Event

Yesterday my Girl Scouts and I hosted a the First Annual Bake, Decorate and Donate event in our town!  
So I thought that my little lovely girl should have something special.. her very own Valentine Ruffle Apron to keep her clean!
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Now I would have made one for each of my girls.. but um.. time is just NEVER on my side and I was organizing the event.  
But if you have ever been a leader's daughter (or in my case) had your daughter in your troop, there are many times when they are the ones who get the broken craft, or wonky reindeer antlers at Christmas, or have to share their craft supplies and Mommy.  
She was sooo excited!
I can't even tell you how proud I was of all my girls and the Girl Scouts in town.  
We decorated and bagged 600 cookies to be donated to local charities.
We also made cards to send to our troops.
If you want any information on hosting an event within your community, you can check it out 
I am sharing with
The DIY Dreamer



  1. That's just lovely! I'm pinning it up for inspiration. xo Javeriya @Believe&Inspire

  2. What a great way to give back! I love that little apron. It's so sweet. Megan

  3. Hello Aimee,
    I'm stopping by from the From Dream To Reality Linky Party. You have such cute ideas for Valentine's Day - that apron is adorable!
    Happy Wednesday!

  4. I'm absolutely in LOVE!! Love it!

    Thanks so much for partying at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! Can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow evening!!
