
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pink Hippo Party #118

Yup, I missed my own party!.. but I promise I had a great reason.. I was at the Cultural Fair for the mini hippos all day presenting information about life in the great depression.
It has been weeks of hard work, laughter and lots of painting with my dedicated team of moms to create our section of The Great Depression.
 I'll share the rest later in the week but for now it's time to share your creations!
First up is Susan at Organized 31 who made these
Organized 31 - upcycled cloth napkin boxes
sweet baskets from cloth napkins.
Next up is Mie from Sewing Like Mad who made this
Adorable-y sweet top for her little lovey.
Then we have Amy at While Wearing Heels who created these
Easteriffic family bunnies.
Now it's your turn to be featured!  Link Up, Grab a Button, Be a follower and Say hello to your fellow party guests!
Pink Hippo Party
Amie @ Pinkapotamus


  1. How exciting !Thank you for featuring my Cloth Napkin box.

  2. Wow, Amie! That's a great display! Thanks for being such a great hostess! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Hi Amie. Thank you SO much for featuring my version of Elegance & Elephant's Ruffle top!! Have a great day!

  4. Oh gosh, the old bike is so cool!!
    Thanks for having us!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  5. There are the sweetest and most creative, fun links posted. I look forward to visiting. Have a good week and thanks for hosting.

  6. Thanks for hosting the awesome party,Amie!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft
