
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mother's Day Tribute

This is my Grandma.
Cute isn't she?
She was a very special lady in my life, my Grandma but also my best friend.
My aunt once told me that time and space allows for a special bond between grandparents and their grandchildren and boy was she was right.
I spent many happy hours at her house talking, giggling and just enjoying her company. 
Well, this little lady passed away a few years ago and I miss her like crazy.. so I made something to remind me of her all the time.
This tray table
 was Gigi's and when I was a little girl I used to create projects on it and eat dessert on it all the time.
So I thought that I would give it a facelift with some sentiment.
First I added some simple contact paper to the top.
Next I grabbed a picture of her hugging my daughter.. such a priceless picture.
Then I added a little Mod Podge magic to make it stick.
Next I used my Cricut and some vinyl.
She always told us to "Watch the road and be careful"
So here it is.. 
a new family heirloom that I hope my children will enjoy for years to come~
I am sharing with

Amie @ Pinkapotamus


  1. Such a sweet post. My husbands grandma turned out to be one of my best friends. I miss her terribly. I love your tray and I think it is so awesome your children can have such a special heirloom that their great grandma shared with their mom. Thanks for sharing your tray. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Almost had me in tears. That is one of the sweetest projects ever shared. Good for you sharing wonderful memories. My Mom and I didn't always get along very well but my kids loved her to bits. Figures huh? They'd go to Tucson to stay with her. When she was in hospital after having serious heart surgery my youngest son went over to stay in her house and visit her. He was on Workmens comp and lost it cause he was over there. Our youngest daughter also stayed with her in Tucson a few times. I think it's so great how grandkids love our parents.

  3. Very cute. :)

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  4. Awww that's the sweetest post ever! Perfect for Mother's Day {Grandma's Day}. Thanks so much for linking up to Give Me The Goods Monday. Hope to see you again next party ;)
    Jamie @
