
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Leaf Art with the Mini Hippos!

It's becoming a Sunday tradition that we BUST out the craft supplies and get our Craft On!
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Today's project was Leaf art for the mantel!
Blank canvas
Mod Podge 
Leaf Punch (optional)
We started with small blank canvases which we traced our leaf onto.
Then we painted around the leaf.
Then we each added our own special touches.. 
My big guy painted his red,
then glittered the WHOLE thing with clear and orange glitter.
My little guy wanted to paint his background green,
then the leaf orange and glitter the WHOLE thing with a combo of orange and white glitter. 
Then I painted mine, then Mod Podged it with punched leaves,
then I glittered just the leaf in bright orange,
and last I copied my little guy and glittered the WHOLE thing!
Hope you try this fun project with your little guys!

I am sharing with

Amie @ Pinkapotamus

1 comment:

  1. So fun and LOVE how easy it is! My girls will love it! Thanks so much! Pinning :)
