
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tuttorosso Wooden Spoon Giveaway!

The wooden spoon.  
It's something that we have used our whole lives and probably NEVER given much thought to.
As little kids we used it for licking off the batter, as teenagers it became a valuable weapon against our siblings and as grownups it became an unparalleled cooking tool!

Wooden spoons are special to me as they bring back fond memories of my days as a newlywed.  When my hubby and I got married at 22 I had never been domesticated... I couldn't clean and I certainly couldn't cook.   
Laundry was MY specialty.  
But as it had been agreed upon when we met that I would be a stay at home mom.. I NEEDED to learn to cook.  So we spent our weekends at home while my hubby would give me cooking lessons.  I always used a wooden spoon to cook with and my hubby would scoop some of whatever delicious meal we were creating and tenderly share it with me.  I can still picture him, younger of course, (we've been married for 12 years) with the spoon in one hand and the other underneath so as not to spill.. blowing gently to cool it off for me.. sigh.  It was such an encouraging moment for me.. to see that I COULD cook and have it taste amazing! 
My first conquest of course was tomato sauce with Tuttorosso tomatoes which I couldn't live without!
Now Tuttorosso Tomatoes are giving away 1,000 wooden spoons a week in the
and you have an extra chance to win one here!  Simply enter the giveaway below and I will send one lucky winner their very own wooden spoon! 

Good luck!
Amie @ Pinkapotamus


  1. My favorite wooden spoon moment is having a sword fight with them with my brother over 25 years ago!!

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! I can't think of one specific wooden spoon moment! I do love cooking with them over any other kind though.

  3. Thanks for your insight for your fantastic posting. I’m glad I have taken the time to see this. Best Wooden Hangers 2018
