
Saturday, July 24, 2010

2am Crafting Session

I think that I may need an intervention!  It's 2 am and when everyone else in my house is sleeping I am sitting at the kitchen table working on my latest creation.  I nursed 3 children for atleast 1 year each and have never fully recovered my good sleeping patterns.  I figure that the only way I can get anything done is when then house is quiet and no one is asking me for ANYTHING!
But I digress.. so this has been on my mind for quite awhile.  I love the look of the owl pictures but can't bring myself to buy one.  So I did what any crafty woman would do.. I decided to make one using one of my favoirtie media the 12" x 12" wood square.  So here is my very first tutorial for my 2 loyal fans! (Thanks Linda and Carolyn!)

The first thing that I do is start to paint the wood box.. because there is so much space this can take awhile. 

While the paint is drying between layers I cut out the shape of the images I am going to use, in this case, tree, flowers and owl.  (And of course while waiting for the paint to dry I am also folding laundry and emptying the dishwasher!) 

I paint the sky and then the grass so that the grass literally meets the sky. 

Once those elements are dry it is time to decoupage!  I glue the back of the cutouts and smooth them so that there are no wrinkles.  Then I decoupage over the top with Mod Podge and allow to dry.   Repeat this step several times. 

Then it is time to add a little dimension.  I love buttons and ribbon so I add both!  Put it all together and what have you got a really cute wall hanging or picture to stand on a table or shelf!  Hope my first tutorial was fun and helpful!



  1. I feel soooo fancy today as I have pictures!

  2. Okay I love the owl, she is so trendy.... she kinda looks like Joan Rivers waiting outside the red carpet to do interviews, Anyway your craft projects rock.......

  3. You did good girl!!!! =0) I so know what you mean about sleeping patterns, nursing, and the only time to get things done!

    Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party! Come back again!


    Punkin Seed Productions

  4. Very Cute! I am loving owls lately and this one is adorable. Thanks for sharing and I am your newest fan! Can't wait to see more!

  5. Thanks for linking up to the Mad Skills party!
