
Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Confess! (Day #1)

I have a confession to make.. I am a craft hoarder!  There I said it.  Ahhh, now I feel better.  I have found that I cannot resist the temptation to purchase large quantities of craft supplies when the crafting bugs attacks.  I have spent an exorbatant amount of money on countless products (most of which I have not finished or am in the process of working on).. but time is against me.  I have three kids, a house to clean, laundry that threatens to drown me on a daily basis, not to mention a job (part-time), children who are ALWAYS hungry and a husband who Needs me!  Oh and I almost forgot.. time to myself.. which includes hours running so that I can breathe better (asthma sufferer).   So needless to say I must begin to make some of the crafting paraphanalia that I have purchased in the past into something wonderful!  From today on I am going to try (please forgive me if a day slips away) as best as I can to make SOMETHING everyday!  There may be alot of times that the same media is reused in a different way.. because I also obsess on one item for a time until I find something else that I fall in love with and have a million ideas for. 
At the end of 1 year from now.. I will host a giveaway of some of the favorite items.. (please note that this is me being hopeful that I will gain some new followers in the next year who will be interested in a giveway with my items!).
Here are some pics to illustrate my level of hoarding and the unveiling of my newest project aka.. Day #1 Project!

This is the pirate wall hanging that I made last night!  Don't you just love the ocean background?
Hope you've enjoyed this view into my organized chaos.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I am now following you. I hear ya on the craft hoarding. . .I am the same way. Right now I feel like I am drowning in my stuff! I need to declutter! :)

  2. Super cute!!! I LOVE that cute little pirate! Visiting from

  3. Very cute pirate art, love that!

  4. Oh I love your pirate! He is so cute, although I realize perhaps real pirates might object to being called cute! Did you paint him? I love all the details. I hear you on the hording and being surrounded by a constant supply of unfinished or half started projects!

  5. Thanks everyone! Katie to answer your questions, I decoupaged the background then painted the pirate and some of its details. I am crafting this year so that maybe I can dig myself out!

  6. Very cute and for most of us "crafties" that's really not so bad with the hoarding. LOL. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday:)

  7. CUTE!!! I love your blog! Great ideas! I am your newest follower. Stop by Sassy Sites and say HI! :)

  8. The Pirate wall hanging is the cutiest!
    Thank you for sharing!

  9. Looks cute! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  10. Looks super cute!
    Thanks for linking up!
