
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Girls Craft Night (Day #2)

Tonight my in-laws came over for coffee and pastries and of course to visit with the grandkids.  Now don't anyone panic.. in-law is not a BAD word in my house.  My mother in-law is a wonderful woman who shares my love of all things handmade.  She is super talented when it comes to the art of jewelry making and knitting.  She never ceases to amaze me when she takes something as simple as a ball of yarn and creates anything from blankets to full dresses.  Never having had the ability to knit or crochet it is one art that leaves me in awe! 
Now my mother in-law never leaves the house unprepared for any situation in which boredom may occur .. so after my little guys went to bed she pulled several containers of beads, wire and jewelry crafting paraphanalia from "Nanny's Magic Bag O' Crafts".    She and my little lovey Cassandra then started a beading hoe down! 

They got right into crafting some serious looking whirl a ma bobs (which are swirling beads that hand from the ceiling) and my mother in-law gave me a wonderful idea for my next project!
As I am always one to jump right into a crafting party.. I got started.. immediately!  My Mother in-law loved my owl picture (see 2 am crafting for full details and pics) and thought that it would be a cute idea to follow my owl friend through the seasons!

(This is me and my girl being hard core crafters!)
Here in the lovely state of NJ today it was very rainy, so I thought why not have my girl owl's little brother jump in the puddles?  So here he is!  I hope you like him because I LOVE him!

Have some fun puddle stomping when you get the chance and of course don't forget your umbrella and rain boots!


  1. So cute. And I love owls. Thanks for stopping by trendy treehouse. I am following you back. Going to check out your easy shop.

  2. How adorable! I love the idea of following the owl through the seasons, very clever and cute!

  3. awww... how cute is that! :)
