
Monday, July 26, 2010

My first blog hop at Hoo Are You!

This is my first experience with the blog hop and  as I am new to blogging in general  it looked like fun so I thought that while I wasn't sleeping.. I would give it a try so here goes!   (like I said I am new at this and could not get the button to load into the blog.. but i will figure it out for next time!
1. Do you sing in the shower or car when no one else is listening?

I sing in the shower, in the car, in the yard, in the store.  No matter where I go I am always singing to the kids just for fun.. and btw I am not a very good singer but have learned not to care!

2. Do you have a nickname you go by now or growing up?
My name is Amie so there is not much that you can do with that .. but when I was a kid my best friend's mom used to call me AMIE KADIDLERHOPPER!  I thought it was great!

3. Do you speak another language?
No second languages here.. but maybe someday I will learn as I do homework with the kids.. one can only hope!

4. Where is you favorite vacation spot?
I love to be anywhere that there is a beach and I can trap my husband with the kids ALONE and without a phone!  My favorite beach is Hilton Head, SC.

5. What do you cook the most for dinner?
I cook chicken dishes the most for dinner.  We make it into a variety of things like tacos, soup.. we like to mix it up a lot so there isn't much that we repeat all the time!

Hope you enjoyed getting to know me too!


  1. I have always wanted to go to Hilton Head, SC. I have heard it is amazing. I love these posts, they are so fun! I am kinda new to blogging too, but your blog is so cute!
    -Jessica @

  2. Hi. Cute blog. I love to craft (mostly scrapbook)
