
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sauce Neapolitan Style! (Day #3)

 I love summer.. but summer needs its own kind of food.  Summer feels light and refreshing so I plan my menus around that feeling.  My son, Sean Parker (aka my little chef) and I got ready to make dinner and made this simple and  oh soo yummy Neapolitan style sauce.  Here's the recipe:

2 - 35oz cans of crushed tomatoes with basil (I love Tuttorosso)
1 onion
1 shallot
2 cloves garlic
handful of fresh basil from my garden
3 TBLS canola oil
salt and pepper to taste

First chop the onion and saute with a little salt over medium heat in canola oil.   Then chop the shallot and garlic and lightly saute. 

Add in the two cans of crushed tomatoes and stir.  Season with salt and pepper. 

Add the chopped basil.

Let simmer for atleast 20 minutes.. if you have time let it cook longer it just makes the flavors better!

We love to add salad to everything and the more stuff from the garden the better!

So here is how the whole meal came together.. salad, bread and sauce over gnocchi topped with parmesan and fresh basil!  Delicious!

Once we were done with this meal there was enough sauce leftover to make some french bread pizzas for lunch and another pasta dish with green olives added in!  Try and enjoy!

Here is my craft reveal for the day!  This project has been rolling around in my brain for weeks.  Originally I pictured it as a different project entirely but I am really Happy with the results!  I call it "Fairy Laundry".  Hope you like it! 

Sorry about the pic quality the kids have been hijacking my camera lately and have REALLY messed it up!


  1. This sounds yummy! I am making up my shopping list right now and I think I'll make this sauce tonight! Plus I love the fairy laundry-too cute :)

  2. you're making me hungry!! oh, and thanks for the kind words about the baby booties!


  3. Very cute, crafty, and yummy! Thanks for sharing at It's Party Time Thursday at PonyTails&FishScales!
