
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Carolyn's Chicken Salad~

Today I am making Carolyn's Chicken Salad.  It is so named because my friend Carolyn (see Craft Disaster for full story) asks that I make it for all our girls days in.  We have decided that it is the yummiest lunch going and it is perfect as she is the only person that I share it with (the hubs is allergic to apples and cannot eat it all even though he does like it). 

Funny story about Carolyn, she introduced me to my hubby 12 years ago.. two years later when we started dating (long story) one of our first dates was at Carolyn's house for dinner.  At 19 the two of us made baked ziti and salad.  This was one of my very first cooking experiences.  Unfortunately, because Carolyn had a lot more experience with cooking and friends, she does NOT remember this day.   But once again, I digress.  So now after 10 years hiatus and finding each other through the wonder of Facebook (Love it) we are back to our old habits of lunching and cooking together.  The only difference now is that WE can both share recipes and advice and there are a number of children thrown into the mix!

Do you think if I make Carolyn chicken salad she'll let me keep him?  Please!

But I digress.. so on with the show.. I mean chicken salad!
3 skinless chicken breasts on the bone
1 tblsp olive oil

salt and pepper to taste
2 apples chopped
2 stalks celery chopped
3/4 cup craisins
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 1/2 cups mayo (yes that much.. nobody said this was low fat!)

Bake chicken breasts with olive oil and salt and pepper in a 350 degree oven for about an hour or until the juices run clear.  Set aside to cool. 

(if we have a schedule mommy date then I make the chicken the night before)  Once cool cut into bite size cubes. 

There was more in the bowl, however, we ate it .. ALL!
Combine with apples, celery, craisins, walnuts, mayo and salt and pepper in a large bowl.  Serve either in a bowl or on whole wheat bread with a side of carrots!  Yum-O!

Oh and by the way.. I finally finished the Mermaid to match my Pirate.. so with no further ado.. here is Miriam the Mermaid!

I will be on vacation for the next week or so, so no new posts here unless its pics of my vaca.  The hubs has banned me from crafting for the ENTIRE week!  I may have some withdrawal, we'll see how it goes.  Enjoy your week!


  1. This is the best chicken salad ever.........

  2. The salad sounds wonderful! I feel your pain about being banned from crafting during vacation! We had a 3 week trip this summer....torture!

    Look forward to having you back - have a great vacation.

    Punkin Seed Productions

  3. I am going to try that Salad. Thanks for the recipe! Love the mermaid.
