
Monday, August 30, 2010


Before I start my post for today.. I have two shout outs I want to make!
The first is to Ginger at for featuring me on her mad skills monday link up!  Imagine my excitemnent when I saw this while on vacation.  Here is the awesome button I received!

The second shout out is to Tiff at Making the World Cuter.  You can check out my Superman Mirror review at  Tiff will also be hosting a Baby shower in celebration of her fourth child with giveaways.. including a custom 10" x 10" wall hanging from yours truly!  

Now on with the show!  So it has been about a week since my last post because my husband and I took the kiddies to Williamsburg, VA for a good old fashioned family vacation!  If anyone was badly in need of a vacation, trust me, it was me!  The last two years have been very diffucult for us, although they have got much easier and much much better since November and for the most part I have tried my best to keep a smile on my face!
A brief, very brief synopsis of the past 2 years:
Bought a house and gutted it to the studs (luckily we did not have to live in it!).  My husband did all the work, making me a virtual single mother of 3 as he worked nights and weekends.   (Single mothers are amazing by the way!)
Commuted every day 2x a day to take my daughter to school in the town we were moving to, then turned around and drove the boys back to their school.  Our day started every morning at 5 am and we spent atleast 2 hours a day in the car. 
My almost 2 year old (at the time) got bit by a dog and had 4 surgeries.  He looks amazing now as you can see from all of the pics!
It was just a constant string of activities, doctors appointments, Girl Scout meetings (with me as leader), sports and church on weekends.  Just never ending.  Once we moved into our new house in the new town, the boys still went to their old school which meant I will still driving back and forth just in reverse and atleast only once a day.  Then I also got a part time job and have been working constantly on my crafting!  So needless to say a vacation was in order!  Here's a few pics of the kiddies to enoy!

Anyway, our vacation was amazing!  We spent a week in VA and went to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg and Yorktown. 

We swam in the pool almost every night, did a little shopping therapy, ate at restaurants and spent time together as a family.

I know that in the past I have told you that my husband is amesome.. but on vacation he is beyond amazing!  He did laundry, cooked breakfast every day, let me take naps and read books.  I actually finished 3 this week!  If you are interested in what I read they are:
1. Somebody Else's Daughter by Eliabeth Brundage
2. Whistlin in the Dark by Lesley Kagen
3. Local Girls by Alice Hoffman
  7 hour drives are great for reading!
Speaking of books if anyone is interested in joining in a book swap check out this fun blog that is hosting one for September
  This is one that I am totally participating in because it just looks like so much fun!
Hopefully tomorrow I will have some crafting fun to show you as I am working on some cute Fall themed projects!
a well rested and happy
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. thanks so much for the shout out!

    so glad you are well rested after your vacation!


  2. Great shots! Looks like a great time :o)

  3. You do have an amazing husband! Lovely holiday photos...isn't it wonderful to escape into bookland as well!
