
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hoo Are You.. Part 13 (but 6 for me)

Here are this weeks questions from Hoo Are You Tuesdays!  Don't forget that this fun Tuesday activity is brought to you by Leslie @

1. What is your least favorite thing to clean in your house?
My least favorite thing to clean in the house is the bathroom.  I live with three boys so after a week it tends to be really yucky!

2. What color of shirts do you wear the most?
Most of the time I wear either black or brown.  I love to wear white but with 3 kids.. not much of a possibility.
3. Do you have long hair or short hair?
I currently have very long hair.  It is past my shoulders.. but I don't really have any hair attachment and there is a good possibility that I will get the urge and chop it.

4. What time do you usually eat dinner?
We usually eat dinner around 6.  My kids go to bed around 7 so we like to give them time to digest before bed.

5. What is your favorite dessert?
Hmmm.  That is  a tough one.  It would have to be a toss up between carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and pumpkin ice cream!  But I would take either any day!

Can't wait to see everyone else's answers!  Happy Tuesday!


  1. I feel your pain on the white shirts but I'm afraid I am the problem not my daughter! HA! Love your blog! I am your newest follower!

  2. Yum! Carrot cake sounds so good right now. It's the perfect breakfast cake in my eyes. :)

  3. Hey AmieAnn.. I so hear you about the bathroom grrrrr lol...

    I love the title for your blog.

    Have a great day xx

  4. I feel for with the 3 boys and bathroom situation! I make mine clean it then i go touch it up. That way they get most of the yucky stuff before I get to it!

  5. I have the same white shirt problem. I do have this one white shirt, though, that's really long and if I crinkle it a little, you can't see the stains. Then I put a big ol honkin necklace on and nobody notices the stains anyway. I'm such a cheater, I know! I'm wearing said shirt right now...

  6. Hi there,

    New follower here from Hoo Are you? by Nightowlcrafting.
    Would love it if you came by for a visit as well.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    The Things We Find Inside
