
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cassandra's Birthday! (Days #8 & 9)

First of all today, I have to start out with 2 shout outs! 

The first one is to Tiffany at Making the World a Cuter Place. You can check out her site at  She made the awesome and adorable Pinkapotamus button the my page!  I love her!  She is also hosting a baby shower this month on her site and I will be donating this super cute Super Hero mirror. 

Keep checking her site for full details to win lots of great prizes!

The second one is Lori at Paisley Passions.  You can check out her site at   She made an adorable lap tray using a picture frame and wood letters.  

She was sweet enough to let me "borrow" her idea to make a birthday present for my daughter and share it with you! 

Now on to the real Subject of this post... Cassandra's Birthday!
My beautiful little girl turned 8 yesterday!  For the past few weeks she has been following me around with her beads on my broiler pan. 

It was the simplest way for her to have her beads accessible for crafting and also without them being on my table and rolling to the floor.   When I saw Lori's initial tray I knew I had the perfect gift for my Lovey! 
To make my tray I started with 2 letter C's and a tray with handles so that she can carry it easily through the house.  My husband then made two stands so that we didn't have to change the C's in any way.  He attached everything for me with screws.  I then painted the tray black and pink and decoupaged the letters C's and the tray itself with paper that Cassandra picked out.  Here is how it came out!

In addition to the tray I also made her a butterfly book shelf for her really special books.. like her Harry Potters!
She of course got other presents..
like some zhu zhu pets and a home for them,

a book and special time with Mommy at the nail salon!

Then we went out for dinner and she wore her special crown, went bowling

and then we had ice cream because that's what my girl wanted.  All in all it was a great 8 birthday!  Thanks for sharing her birthday with us!



  1. SO cute!!! LOVE it! I'm glad you were able to use mine as an "inspiration piece". Thanks so much for linking back to mine.

    Looks like a super fun party. Hope your daughter loves the tray you made for her :)

  2. I love all the stuff you made for her!! The tray is especially adorable! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment! I hope that you'll swing by again soon :)

  3. Very cute and creative! Thanks for sharing at It's Party Time Thursday at PonyTails&FishScales!
