
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hoo Are You.. Part 3

Here is my Tuesday Blog Hop!  I love it! Too cute to get to know each other via links. So here goes this week questions and answers from Night Owl Crafts you can link up here! or click on the button on my sidebar.

(I know I said last week that I would get the link into the blog.. but honestly I haven't gotten that far in life.. but I am working on it... STILL!)

Here are my answers!

1. What are some of your favorite summer activities?
For two years I drove between two towns to get my kids to schools.. this is the first summer that we are in our new town and our new home.. so I love to do nothing!  My favorite activity is to spend time with the kids in the yard.. we garden, swing on the swings, play in the sandbox and just enjoy the sunshine!

2. What is your favorite flower?

My favorite flowers are day lillies.  I even had them as my wedding bouquet.. so pretty!

3. What is your favorite meal of the day?

Does dessert count?  I love that meal especially when it is some really yummy homemade treat.. it is something that i look forward to ALL day!

4. How much time do you spend on the computer each day?

I spend maybe 2 hours a day on the computer.. checking emails, paying bills and talking to friends. 

5. Do you have any pets?
We have a beautiful bunny girl named Rosie or Rosadota.  She is a lionheaded rabbit who is great with the kids and is litter box trained!  Perfect for my busy family!

Check back in with me and I should have some new fun bbq recipes and crafts that I have been working on.. Just waiting for the new camera so I can share the pics!



  1. cute! I wish I only spent 2 hours on the computer each day!! haha!! :)

  2. These are fun to read! That's nice that you all can enjoy being outside in the summer. Dessert's probably my favorite meal of the day too, lol

  3. oh yea, two hours would be nice. Since my job requires me to be on a computer, it's more like 8-10 hrs a day for me!

  4. oooh bunnies! We have loads of wild bunnies around us so I'd never think to bring one indoors. They do love to torment my dog though!!

    Here from hoo are you tuesday!

  5. I love day lillies too! I just planted a whole bunch in my backyard, I hope they last!
