
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Confessions of an Amateur Cake Baker (Day #7)

Its birthday time once again in the Irwin house!  You know what that means.... it's time to take out the cake pans and get baking.  (If you are new to the blog please see I love Cake to understand why its a big deal that I can even bake a cake much less make it look pretty!)  I love birthdays.. they are the one day a year that is just your special day.  There is no one to share it with (unless you are a twin), so I try to make it special every year for my kids (and family) by making them a cake that is just for them.   So here are a few pics of some of the cakes that we have made in the past!  Hope you like them!

William's Dino Cake (He is my Valentine baby.. hence the red white and pink M&Ms to decorate)

William's Race Car Cake

Sean Parker's Pirate Ship Cake
Cassandra's Purse Cake

My Nephew Pat's St. Patty's Cake

Now it's time once again for Cassandra's Birthday (the cake featured was for her 7 1/2 birthday with her friends).  We are working on the cake theme for this year.. check back over the weekend for pics to follow!

Here is a pic of my latest craft and the I have to go because I only 4 more days to my girls birthday and I NEED to get crafting her presents!

Thanks for stopping by!
I am linking this to Shutter Love Tuesdays @ 
Don't forget to vote for me for best cake!


  1. aw my mum used to make amazing creative cakes when i was a kid, it really was a highlight and i have such great memories of the cake!

    i love the dino, may have to use it for inspiration for boy's birthday!


  2. The pirate ship is awesome! Thanks for linking to the Craftastic Birthday Link Party!
