
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hoo Are You.. Part 2

Last week I participated in my very first blog hop.. I loved it!  Too cute to get to know each other via links.  So here goes this week questions and answers from Night Owl Crafts you can link up here! or click on the button on my sidebar. 
(I know I said last week that I would get the link into the blog.. but honestly I haven't gotten that far in life.. but I am working on it!)

So here are my answers!

1. What is your natural hair color?

My natural hair color is a dirty blonde.. that is literally on the verge of being light brown.  I have only dyed it several times and the color always falls out.. so natural is the way I will stay!

2. Which do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets?

I prefer sunrises.. especially on the beach!  In my house we are super early risers.. sometimes me, the hubby and the kiddies are up before 5 am.  Want to hang out at my house?

3. What is the first thing you notice about people?

I always notice people's teeth first because my teeth are not exactly straight.. 

4. Do you prefer talking or texting on your cell phone?

I LOVE texting!  I don't always have time for a conversation and the kids have it on the radar that if Mommy is on the phone is time to have a conversation!  Texting is soo much easier!

5. What size of shoes do you wear?

I wear a size 7 shoe... of course there are lots of cute available shoes.. but sometimes since it is such a popular shoe I can find my favorites in every other size but mine!
Check back with me later for some yummy banana recipes and my latest craft reveal!


  1. Ah... another teeth checker. I feel better now that I'm not the only one who does that.

  2. Hi AmieAnn, love your blog name too and love the design. I'm sooo with you on the texting. Thanks for your visit.

  3. Crazy morning people!!! Just kidding. Good for you, I am always in awe of people who can handle getting up early.

  4. I check people's teeth as well! I am not a morning person, so I am glad my kiddos will sleep in for me. It is 9:30 and we just woke up! Thanks for linking up to Hoo are you!

  5. Amie, love the blog, too cute!
    check mine out when you have a minute:

    Hum, I remember your teeth being straight.
    my son wakes up between 7:30 and 8am, I consider myself sooooo lucky!

  6. Wow 5 am you are amazing!

  7. I agree with RenaeF- 5am is amazing. Actually, it's easy and good when you're alone, but with others waking up along with you, that can be tough. We've been doing a lot of early mornings lately so we can go crabbing. It's been kind of funny, actually. Thanks so much for sharing today. beth @

  8. I'd much rather text than call too, although it bugs some of my friends. I stay pretty busy and don't always have time for a lengthy phone conversation. I'd much rather text back and forth.
