
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hoo Are You? #23

It's Tuesday again.. and now that we got past the business of handing out awards and naming a winner.. it's time for some fun!  Here are my answers to this week's Hoo Are You?  @
1. Do you ever burp out loud in private or public?
Sometimes.. I burp out loud at home.. and the kids find it hysterical!

2. How often do you get sick each year?
I typically only get sick once or twice, which is amazing because of the amount of children (aka carrier monkeys) that I come in contact with!  Although now that I have said that I will of course get sick much more often this year!
3. Would you rather paint a room in your house yourself, or have someone else do it for you?  I would rather have someone else paint the room a solid color and then paint something special myself.. I love to paint murals for the kids!

4. If you get 30 minutes to yourself, what do you do?
I either craft, read or hit the gym (sometimes I take the book to the gym and read on the treadmill or bike.. best of both worlds)!

5. Do you allow people to wear shoes in your house?
Yes.. but I wish that we were better at enforcing the no shoe policy!

It was fun getting to know everyone a little better again this week!


  1. I have always been amazed with people that can read and run on the treadmill at the same time. I am afraid I would fly right off of it!lol Thanks for linking up to Hoo are you!

  2. I featured you as well for the Stylish Blog award! Thank you for your great blog!

  3. Awards all over the place! Congrats. It is a great blog in case you didn't know! ;)

  4. i love painting murals for kid spaces too!

  5. I WOULD love to paint murals, but I'm scared of bigscale projects like that. More scary than murals, though, are gyms. YIPES! :D Just kidding. More power to ya!
