
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We Have a Winner and an Award!

Okay fellow Pink Hippos we have a winner of the Pinkapotamus mirror! 
After writing the names of ALL my followers and adding all the extra entries I threw them into a bowl and let my lovely little girl pick a winner (She was sooo excited)!
So with no further ado, the winner is.....

Charlene from Adventures in Mommy Land!  Yeah.. email me at and we can discuss what custom mirror you would like!
In addition to the giveaway, I was given an award over the weekend from Chelsea at Crafter's Anonymous Club @

Rules for accepting this award are:

1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.

So here are 7 things about me~
1.  I recently got my SPIN certification.
2.  My new spinning shoes are silver so I call them my silver bullets
3.  My first pet growing up was a dog named Rocky Michelle
4. My favorite snack is popcorn made in a giant stainless bowl with lots of butter
5. My favorite movie is the Shawshank Redemption (the book was great too!)
6.  I have only dyed my hair 3 times in my entrie life: red, blonde and then brown to cover the blonde
7.  My favorite cookies are italian sprinkle cookes that I only make for special occasions because they are ALOT of work!

Now on to my award recipients:
Vicky @ (who was my 100th follower!)

Ladies, I love following your blogs.. so glad I found you .. now display that award with pride and share the love!
Again, anyone interested in doing a blog swap shoot me an email at


  1. Aw, thanks so much AmieAnn. You are too sweet! I thoroughly enjoy reading yours as well and can't wait to go check out the other's you've awarded.

  2. Congrats to everyone!

  3. You are too sweet...thank you so much for the award. I am glad to have found your blog to read too!!!1

  4. Yayy, I won, I won!!! I'll email you after bit. Thank you so much!!

    My boys are going to LOVE a cool mirror for their room. And whatever I pick will be sure to inspire me when I redecorate their bedroom.

    Thanks again,

  5. Thanks for the award! I'll be contacting you to do a blog swap too.

  6. Thank you so much! I am honored!

  7. Thank you for the award! I feel so special!!
