
Monday, December 20, 2010

Pink Hippo Party #8

Whoo hoo!   This week my sweet little linky party finally hit 51 links!  Now this may not seem like a lot to anyone else but to me.. it's huge!  Thanks to all of you who have participated.. you made my whole bloggy day!  And welcome to all my new followers!
I've been sooo busy making cookies and gifts that I am just going to share my Christmas tree!
So now on to my favorites!
The cutest Christmas book page by Janet
The best way to decorate a coat rack for Christmas by Judy
And the sweetest Rudolph ornament ever by Patsy
Ladies grab your featured button and let's get this party started!

Here are the rules to Party!

1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment!


  1. Thanks for the feature of sweet Rudolph. Have a great day filled with many blessings!!!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my decorated coat rack. I really appreciate it. I've grabbed my featured button. Thanks again. I'll be back in a bit to link up to today's party.

  3. I always read your posts! Love them! Thanks for the link party! I wanted to invite you over to my $50 American Axpress giveaway that ends christmas Eve!

  4. As always, another great party. Thanks AmieAnn!
