
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Salt Dough Ornaments

We made salt dough ornaments!
And you can too!
This was GREAT for a Saturday afternoon activity with the kids.

Here are the ingredients:
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 cup water
Mix the flour and salt together in your mixer

Then start by adding 1/2 cup water
Keep mixing until the dough is smooth!
Then roll with a rolling pin until it is about 1/2 inch thick
Then cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters or freehand them if you are really talented!
Then put on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake at 325 degrees until they are dry
Once cooled let the painting begin!

Here's what my guys created!
The Little Lady's
The Middle Man's
And the Little Man's
I can't wait to string 'em up and hang 'em on the tree!
I am sharing with Saturday Spotlight @

and with Market Yourself Monday @
and @ Making the World Cuter Monday @


  1. I've been wanting to make some of these with the kids. Your's turned out darling. I bet they look great on the tree.

  2. Hopping over to say Good Morning. I made Christmas cutout cookies with my granddaughters yesterday. Love this post! I enjoyed my visit to your blog. hugs, Katherine P.S. stop by for a visit and don't forget to enter my giveaway!

  3. Looks like fun! They came out so good to!

    Found you on the blog hop! I'm your newest follower!

  4. I totally need to do this with my kids :) Thanks for sharing & for the blog visit.

  5. Your ornaments turned out lovely!! Looks like the kids really enjoyed themselves too.

    I would LOVE for you to join us at Kids Get Crafty (every Wednesday on Red Ted Art) - current link up

    Hope to see you there!


  6. Thanks for your comment on my post today - meant a lot. I have joined your blog :-) Met my hubby @ 19 too and we are still happily together :-)

  7. Looks like these were really fun to make - and they are so cute!

  8. We use a recipe just like this every year - isn't it fun to let the kids create!! I wanted to invite you to link up at TGIF Linky Party (

    I am also your newest follower. I'd love for you to follow me back, if you want =-)
