
Friday, January 7, 2011

Dresser Challenge!

Today's challenge.. the Dresser~ 
My dresser and my closet are kinda intermingled.. half the clothes are in the dresser and the other half are in the closet drawers.  So while I was in the closet I cleaned and rearranged all of the drawers and now everything fits just right!  So here is the before:
And here is the after:

By the way did you see my Pink Hippo?  That's Edith.. she's my mascot and I love her!  Kinda my Pink Hippo inspiration!  I feel like I got ALOT accomplished today.. somebody needs to BUY me dinner.. I think I'll go ask Mr. Pinkapotamus!
And of Course I am also sharing with



  1. I have been working on my closet and dresser this week too...but I didn't take any before shots.

  2. After watching Hoarders, which I had never seen,
    I have done my closets and intend to do my dresser too!
