
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nutella Smores!

I have a new Food Obsession!  Yess.. you guessed it.. Nutella!  What's not to love about its chocolate hazelnut goodness?  I could eat out of the jar (but I haven't yet), spead it on bread, make cookies out it.. but what else you ask?  Well, why not smores?   Especially indoors.. because as I may have mentioned.. I HATE the COLD!
Take your graham crackers and spread a layer of Nutella on each then add a marshmallow!
Squash it together.
Then wrap it in a paper towel and microwave for 10 - 12 seconds (anymore and the marshmallow oozes everywhere!)
When it comes out give it a gentle squishing to mush the marshmallow.. Then ENJOY~
It's sooo good!

Do you think she liked it?  I KNOW I DID!
Hope you do too!
I am sharing with
Lamb Around
and with
Sumo Sweet Stuff

P.s.  That was my Reward for all the reorganizing and cleaning I have been doing!  A treat for the Princess who lost her tooth!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. What a brilliant idea!!! I've eaten it out of the jar...when you do let me know so we can start a "I eat Nutella out of the jar" club!

  2. Hooray! Thanks for linking up and posting my button! I'm a huge fan of anything smores related but have never thought to try them with Nutella. These look delicious :)

  3. Sounds yummy! I love smores:)

    Hey, so I did a post and tagged you. Go check it out and hopefully you will play along:)

  4. LOL! I eat Nutella from the jar all the need to try it!!!

  5. oh man what a fantastic idea, I've got TONS of marshmallows

  6. All I can say is: Why didn't anyone think of this sooner?!!! What a fabulous idea...excuse me while I go raid the cupboards.

  7. YUM. I was introduced to Nutella in Europe...this would be a heavenly way to share it with my family.

  8. We're going to try this this afternoon! Yum!

  9. I always wanted to try Nutella! These look yummy! Found your post from LambAround linky party :)

  10. mmmm i'm hungry just looking at them!
    also saw you on the lamb around linky party
    Leigh xx
