
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eggplant Bruschetta

First I just have to say that I am sooo excited as I was featured yesterday at

for my Love Bugs
and Today at

for my X's and O's Wreath!  Thanks ladies for the huge honor!  I am such a big fan of both of your blogs s.. if you haven't checked out these fine ladies and their blogs.. then you SHOULD!

Now on to the FOOD!  Just the word bruschetta makes my mouth water!  I can't get enough of it and when you add eggplant to it.. it makes it twice as yummy!  So here is my awesome recipe for Eggplant Bruschetta!

2 large eggplants
1 cup breadcrumbs
2 eggs
splash of milk
salt and pepper

1 container cherry tomatoes
(or several large tomatoes)
1 package of parsley
1 onion

Start with your eggplant.
Peel and cut into circles.

Once peeled and cut place in a large colander and salt generously. 

This will get out any bitter taste within the eggplant.  Set aside for one half hour. 

When time is up rinse eggplant well with water and dry. 
Then put eggs, milk, salt and pepper in one bowl and bread crumbs in another. 

Egg and bread eggplant and fry in 3 TBLS canola oil until golden brown.  (If you are looking for a healthier version leave this step out and bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes.)
Then arrange on a rack on a baking sheet and set aside.
Now is time to make the topping.. oohhh my favorite part!

 Okay if you don't own a NINJA you should run out and get one.. like now! 

Okay and if not.. then ha ha you have to chop the veggies by hand.   Seriously!  Once the veggies are chopped mix in salt and pepper to taste. 
Then spoon over the top of anxiously awaiting eggplants. 

Top with a sprinkle of parmesan and bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. 

Then enjoy and trust me.. you will!  I know I did!

Oh yeah and this dinner is kid approved!

I am sharing with

It's a Blog Party


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1 comment:

  1. This sounds just wonderful! I love how you have used the eggplants in place of bread - so much healthier!!
