
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hoo ARE you #30

It's time for my favorite part of Tuesday!  Thats right it's time once again for

1. Do you wear glasses or contacts, if so for how long?
I wore reading glasses for a while.. but now I am a really bad girl and I don't wear them anymore! 

2. What was your favorite board game as a kid?
My favorite board game as a kid was SORRY!  I always loved sending my brother back to his HOME!

3. What is a word that you use all the time?
Seriously.. I use it all the time.. Seriously!

4. What is your favorite day of the week?
Monday!  It is the only day of the week we don't have a scheduled activity.. so I get to rest.. well as much as anyone with 3 kids possibly can!

5. Did you graduate high school from the town you grew up in?
No.. I graduated from a Catholic school.. which was several towns away.  Also my town didn't have its own High School.. it was regional.

Can't wait to get to know everyone better~


  1. My kids love Sorry! They beat me everytime!

  2. I think its great that you like Mondays! Most people hate them:)

  3. I love sending people back to home on Sorry too! I also use the word seriously a lot! Thanks for linking up to Hoo are you!

  4. Your little love bugs are adorable!! Hi there~ I am your newest follower from the blog hop & would love it if you stopped by and returned the love :) We also have an exciting new artist posted who makes one of a kind bracelets I would love for you to check out!!

  5. Following you back! AND I voted too! :)
