
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love Muffin

Let's start this post with two important things.. well important to ME atleast!  First of all did anyone else notice that I got picked to be in the Best in Show at Lambaround?
Well I DID! 
So please go vote for my banana stand with love!

Second.. it has come to my attention that I now have 207 followers.. howevever, only 3 of them signed up for my Love me love my crafts swap.. WHAT?!?  So my goal is to have atleast 20.. which is only 10% of you.. so please link up here
and make me really super happy.. because really who doesn't love FREE stuff?
So now that I have bored you to tears let's have a fun tutorial!  Yeah! 
So here is how you make some very cute Valentine's Day blocks.. just not the regular LOVE ones.. These are my own personal spin on them..
So presenting my LOVE MUFFIN!
To start grab the blocks you want to use and some paint

While the paint is drying use your cricut to cut the shapes of the blocks and the words "LOVE MUFFIN"

Then whip out your handy dandy Mod Podge and get to work!

Here's how it should look put together

If you were paying attention.. I am sure you noticed that the wrapper is not attached.. OH NO! 
Just kidding.. At this point you have to bust out the craft glue to attach the wrapper as I used scrapbook paper and folded it.  Then glued the ribbons and bow on. 
Now if you want to be really fancy .. you can use the dimensional magic Mod Podge and make the muffin top puffy.  The only reason I skipped this step was because.. I misplaced mine.. Surprise Surprise!
Here is the finished product on my shoe organizer!

Have fun with your LOVE MUFFIN!~
I am sharing with




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  1. Congrats on being nominated. Thanks as always for hosting the party. I just linked up a new project. Hope you check it out.

  2. Very nicely done! Thanks for the reminder to get busy with Valentine's stuff! :)
