
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Love me, Love my Crafts Swap!

Valentine's day is rapidly approaching and it is a holiday that is very near and dear to my heart.. because it is my littlest guys birthday! 

So in the spirit of my littlest love I would LOVE to host a craft swap!
So here's how you get in on this fun SWAP.. I am going to host this like a blog hop.. put your name into the list and then you are responsible to contact the person on the list after you.  I will craft for the last person.. and the last person will craft for me!  Signups will end February 1st and all swaps MUST go out by February 10th.   You MUST be a follower to participate!  So let's send out some swappy love!


  1. Sign me up! Wasn't sure if I should use the linky tool or just comment. Happy to blog about the swap then link it up (just give me a little bit).
    Can't wait to make something special!! Any parameters - Valentine's theme?
    jessmusumarra (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. At first I was going to say no because I have an I-Spy swap going on but really, I don't have to do anything until the fabric starts coming in so, I'm in. Since I'm right at the beginning I can get mine out early too, since it will be coming from overseas! Can't wait to meet my newest crafty little friend!

  3. i am your newest follower! love the craft swap idea!

  4. So exciting! Let's get my little crafty mind going!

  5. Yay! Well Miss Pinapotamus, you are my partner! Could you email me your information? I'll gladly respond with my information too!

    jmw3184 at gmail dot com

  6. Hi Amie -
    I'm a little confused (I know it doesn't take much);-) I'm first on the list and I'm going to craft for Stacey (I'm contacting you now). And if you will be crafting for the last person and the last person is crafting for you - who will be crafting for me?
    I don't want to miss out on all the fun!
    jessmusumarra (at) hotmail (dot) com

  7. Uh oh! I am a day late! I AM SO SORRY!! I am sending my craft out in the mail today! Please don't hate me :-(

  8. I hope that you received my craft..... I still haven't received my craft yet :(
