
Monday, January 17, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #12

Happy Monday All!  I am soo excited this morning as I woke up to my 190th follower!  Whoo hoo!   I still can't believe that almost 200 people want to listen to me..! 
Sounds like it's almost time for another giveaway!   

By the way.. did you see me this weekend?  I was featured on the very first

for my Ballerina mirror!

Just a quick reminder.. don't forget to sign up for the Love Me, Love My Crafts Swap!  In oder to participate you MUST enter your name in the link BELOW!

And now here are MY favorites from last week's Pink Hippo Party!

I love this simply romantic scrapbook wreath by Erin

These are the coolest LOVE blocks ever made from photos of everyday objects by Bonnie

This is the cutest quilty bag by Bree @
BTW I just LOVE the inside which is made entirely of Ruby Red slippers!

So ladies grab your featured button and wear it with Pride! 

Now on to the main event.. Pink Hippo Party #12
The rules!
1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment!
I can't wait to see what my talented followers came up with this week!


  1. Thanx for hosting such awesome parties every week! I gotta tell ya, I LOVE your header on here. Makes me giggle every time I visit :)

  2. There certainly are some lovely crafts on your site - lots of great inspiration! Thank you so much for linking up to the Feed Me Tweet Me Follow Me Home blog hop. I'm now your 192nd follower :) Have a great week!
