
Thursday, January 27, 2011


Okay.. if you have been a follower than you may have caught on to the fact that I am in desperate need of an organizing intervention.  I am an organization disaster.. just ask Mr. Pinkapotamus!  So I am giving myself a public intervention here on my blog! 
So keep your eye open for my weekly challenges.. and if you want to join in.. you know where to go!
Love and organizing!


  1. It seems like I am on a constant organization mission. You saw your award before I got a chance to tell you about it. Sorry...these snow days and two hour delays are messing with my schedule. I love your blog and visit it on a daily basis. It's really one of my favorites so I wanted to let you know.

  2. I love the the idea of an organising intervention! LOL, I really hope it works out for you!

    Oh and I love the idea of your valentines craft swap!
