
Friday, January 28, 2011

Stylish Again!

This week I received two Stylish Blogger Awards

one from Tiffany @ Tiffany has a blog dedicated to the redecorating of her house and is a blog that I have just discovered.. She has some really wonderful decorating ideas!
The second award I received from Judy @
whose blog I am addicted to!  She has amazing ideas on design and decor in all of the areas that I struggle with.. She is a wonderful source of home inspiration! 
I highly recommend that if you have not visited either of these blog that you finish reading MY post and run right over.. literally!
In order to accept this award I must thank those who gave me the award (check) Tell seven things about myself and share with seven other awesome blogs. 

So here are my seven things!
1.  I fight with my sinuses on a constant basis.. Right now the score is 3 million to 25.. I am on the losing end!
2.  I call my little boys my manimals because .. well .. um.. they ARE!
3.  I have one littel girl who is my clone and also my favorite crafting budding!
4.  I have been a GS leader for the past 3 years and hope to continue til my girls are begging me to leave them ALONE!
5.  Popcorn is my favorite snack and I make it on the stove in a huge stainless bowl covered with foil in true Alton Brown style!
6.  Alton Brown is my cooking Guru!  I would follow him to the end of the cooking earth!
7.  I think this is REALLY funny 

.. seriously!

Now on to my recipients.. These are blogs that I read on a daily basis and just adore!
Ami @ (cause Amie's are awesome no matter the spelling!)
Amy @  (again.. an Amy thing!)
Amy @ ( I don't think I have to say it again)

So please check out all of the blogs that I have mentioned.. they are all amazing ladies with oodles of talent that is waiting to be shared! 


  1. You have me over here literally LOL. That RARELY happens! Thank you so much for the award!!

  2. Thank you for the award!!! This is really exciting for me!

  3. I am following you from the blog hop. Please follow back at

  4. Thanks so much for following my blog! I'm following back and after browsing through your old blogs, I'm looking forward to reading all the new ones!
