
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Family Photo Collage

Not much crafting going on around here today as my littlest guy is down with Bronchitis.. Poor baby!  So in the meantime I thought I would share this simple collage gift that I gave my mother in law last year for her birthday!

Now I don't have any pictures of how I made it.. but here are the ingredients to make your own and a verbal tutorial!

3 6" wood boxes
acrylic paint
wood letters
Mod Podge
wood glue
craft glue

Start by glueing the wood boxes.  I glued them together so that two were showing the recessed area and the middle one was not.  They will need to be held together with clamps.  Then you will paint the inside of two white and outsides of each box black.
Paint the letters the color of your choice.. I used to word FAMILY but you could use your last name or some other meaningful word like BLESSED or LOVED.  When all of the paint is dry lay the picures on the frames with the word to make sure that all of the pictures fit.  This may take some time.  Then when you have the placement just right get to work Mod Podgeing them on!  When the Mod Podge is dry use your craft glue and glue the letters. 
Voila.. a fun family photo collage!  Say that 5 times fast.. I dare you!
I'm sharing with

P.S.. is anyone else starting to notice a pattern in my color choices?  Black and white seem to be the answer to EVERYTHING!


  1. Black and white just look so good together. I love this!

  2. I wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my blog...check it out!
