
Friday, February 25, 2011

Little Leprechauns!

Who could forget these adorable little "love bugs"? 

Certainly not me.. especially since they won't let me!  So I decided that in honor of St Patty's Day they needed to bring a little luck to this semi Irish household!  So here they are remade into my Lucky Little Leprechauns!
And here is a quick tutorial on you can score some luck of your own!

four wood blocks of varying sizes
acrylic paint
paint chip samples
Mod Podge
cut out heads
rainbow colored ribbon
a little imagination!

I started with my four wood blocks.  I painted them to look like grass and sky. 

Then I made a template for the Leprechaun outfits the kids would wear. 

Then I cut the shapes of their outfits out of the paint chips.

  Once they were cut out I Mod Podged them down onto the corresponding block. 

Then I used my Cricut to cut out the word "Lucky".  
And of course every Leprechaun HAS to have a pot of gold!  So I made mine out of black paper and pom poms.
Last I added ribbon to the back in the shape and colors of a rainbow.

Now I have one very unhappy 5 year old who did not want to be a "Love Bug" and is even more horrified to be made into a Leprechaun.  But I had a lot of fun making it.. so there!  (insert rasberry sound here!)
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Fantabulous Friday!

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  1. I love these little leprechauns....

  2. HOW COOL! I can see a lot of fun times with this idea. Will you enter this into my St Pat's day contest? Pretty please?

  3. Oh my, these are the cutest I have ever seen in blog land. Great job!

  4. SO cute! I love how they look like they're dancing a jig! I've featured this at today's Craftastic Monday - stop by & grab a Featured On button:)

  5. These are so fun - love their little outfits. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays last week. Forgot to tell you, I featured you here:
