
Friday, February 18, 2011

Seriously Terrible Twos!

I love sharing my silly mommy stories with you .. so here is one that I will be sharing with you and
Real Moms Real Laughs

Okay so you know how EVERYONE tells you that 2's are terrible?  Well with my first little lovey two's were actually terrific!  The only real issues that we had were that she wanted to "Throw her baby brother out of a window.. or give him to one of the neighbors" and of course that was up until the day that he arrived.. once she met him she fell in LOVE!  However, my boys.. whooo.. they were a TOTALLY different story altogether..
So here is a fun story all about the day my middle guy turned 2!
Well, his birthday is March 13th.. and his younger brother was born almost a month to the day before he turned two.  So here I was at home with a 4 year old, a two  year old and a 1 month old who had been premature and VERY tiny!  The night before we had had a cake to celebrate his birthday and just immediate family as we could not have lots of people around the baby at one time.  So the next morning we got up to THE TERRIBLE 2 MONSTER!  I swear he changed overnight.  AHHHHH!   Was all I could think.  The day started out with him finding his leftover cake.. and what did he do with it you ask.  Well instead of eating it like a NORMAL 2 year old he decided that it would be fun to wear it and decorate with it.  So after feeding and changing the baby I walked into the kitchen and found it covered in chocolate cake and my little boy wearing cake on his HEAD!  So of course I had to throw him into the shower and change his clothes.  Next he disappeared into his room to play for a little while and when he came out.. he had NO diaper and had peed all down his overalls and covered himself in POOP!  Yeah.. fun for me.. shower number 3! 
After that I proceeded to call my husband and sob uncontrollably until he got home!  Thankfully the terrible two's only last a year and then we moved onto to the Trying 3's and the Hear me Roar 4's!  Now he is a perfect angel (are you sensing some sarcasm here?) who is almost 6!


  1. Bless him, what a way to celebrate his birthday! My twin boys are turning 2 on April 2, so not looking forward to it, they already run rings around me!

  2. Oh my gosh! That boy sounds like a handful for sure!

  3. I hear your sarcasm, he he, mine are little angels too, WHEN THEY SLEEP.... lol. Aren't those kinds of days fun, where you get to take a shower like 10 times, he he. Oh gosh, do they ever grow out of some stage? Every day, there is something new, and truth be told, I'm still cranky, and moody, so I guess we are doomed forever.

    Thanks for sharing with us again, @ Real Moms, Real Laughs.

    Love hearing from you girl,

    Bella :)
